If you deal with other people's debt, you need this tool. Zilch Professional clearly shows clients a plan towards high interest debt freedom, and the money they will save.
Create stunning, high quality debt repayment plans for your clients in less than 5 minutes. Your clients will just love these reports.
Zilch Professional gives you the most powerful toolset available for developing
rapid debt repayment plans. Only Zilch combines ease of use, the flexibility of
unlimited payoff scenarios, and custom crafted reports that are sure to make a
lasting impression.
The Personal Financial Profile combines debt management with wealth
building on the same page delivering a powerful message. Download Zilch Professional
and see for yourself the value this tool can add to your business.
Price: $395.00
- Store client's name and address information
- Print client's name and address on reports
- Print company's name, address, phone number, etc., on reports
- Data Entry Worksheet
- 10-20-70 Budget printout
- Personal Financial Profile - debt graphs, wealth building chart, and inspirational custom message
- Custom background shading color
- Custom graph colors
- Report Builder to customize printed reports
- Bottom Left Footers - four completely customizable left-justified report footers
- Bottom Right Footers - four completely customizable right-justified report footers