Get out of debt today starting from scratch. Save thousands of dollars in interest penalties. Just fill in the blanks and push a button.
This tool takes into account all of the details surrounding your debts, interest rates, current payments, outstanding balances, etc... and quickly and easily turns it all into a month-by-month detailed debt elimination plan.
With just the click of the mouse you can print your monthly payment schedule and be on your way to financial security. Stop giving your money away... Stop making your bank rich... Stop making your credit card company rich... Stop making your mortgage company rich. Because, as long as you keep giving them your money they'll keep taking it.
Now, you can take advantage of trade secrets used by many financial counselors in the privacy and comfort of your own home. No financial expertise is required.
Price: $39.95 Download a free trial now
- Easy data entry, up to 30 credit cards, loans or mortgage entries
- Choice of 7 different payoff strategies
- Date Picker, generates repayment plan based on becoming debt-free by a projected future date
- Choice of background shading on reports
- 3 Separate Loan Calculators: Loan Payment, Price Range, Remaining Balance
- 4 Separate Investment Calculators: FV* of Lump Sum, FV* of Regular Deposits, Lump Sum required for FV*, Regular Deposits required for FV*
- Choice of 7 pre-defined gradient screen colors
* FV = Future Value